Message from the Chair
Junichi Sadoshima, PhD, MD,
Professor and Chair
Welcome to the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine at the New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University. The department is committed to understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease by bridging the gap between physiology and molecular biology. The research activities of our department include physiology, functional genomics, proteomics, developmental biology, cell biology and cell signaling. Our belief is that the understanding of disease can be achieved optimally by integrating the different aspects of the disease, i.e., from the whole organism to subcellular components, and by the use of complementary techniques to acquire a global view of the problem. We have created research institutes to gather together faculty with common research interests but complementary views and technical approaches. For example, the Cardiovascular Research Institute is dedicated to the understanding of molecular mechanisms in adult and congenital cardiovascular disease. The department is currently in an expansion phase with the creation of a division for cancer research and the recruitment of several new faculty members.
The department is located in the Medical Science Building. Our faculty have access to the latest technology including real-time quantitative RT-PCR, state-of-the-art microscopy and cell culture facility. Core facilities on the campus provide resources for histology, transgenic mouse generation and physiological analysis, DNA chip processing, DNA sequencing and oligo synthesis.
Our department is committed to training postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate medical students. Our postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to participate in national and international meetings and to write grants to support the development of their career. The graduate program in Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine offers the Doctor of Philosophy degree through the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The program involves course work focused on cell biology, rotational laboratory experience, seminars by world-renowned guest speakers, and journal club meetings, to keep abreast of the most advanced development in research. After successful completion of the course work, students may select an advisor among the faculty of our department to begin full-time thesis research. In addition, medical students and residents have the opportunity to obtain research training in faculty labs. Faculty in our department are also dedicated to teaching in the medical program.
If you would like to contact us, please call Mrs. Gloria Bailey at (973) 972-8920, and she will direct your call to the appropriate individual.