Lauren Sherman
Lauren is a PhD Candidate in Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation at Rutgers University, school of Biomedical and Health Sciences, at New Jersey Medical School. Her thesis research in the Rameshwar Lab focuses on maintenance of stem cell multipotency and mesenchymal stem cell behavior following cell delivery. Lauren currently serves as the Vice President of the Stem Cell Education Society. Following completion of her PhD, Lauren plans to continue in academia, teaching future generations of scientists to love the pursuit of knowledge. When not in the lab, Lauren enjoys preparing for obstacle course races, skiing, and relaxing with friends.
Niloy N. Shah
Hello all! My name is Niloy N. Shah and I am the Chair of Media Relations, President of the SCES-Alumni Association, and a Mentor for the SCES. Originally from Texas, I graduated from Baylor University in 2016 with a B.S. in Biology and Biochemistry double major, and minors in philosophy and medical humanities in multiple honors programs. Currently, I am working on my M.S. in Biomedical Sciences, with a concentration in Stem Cell Biology, and am working in Dr. Rameshwar's Lab on how "Stress Causes Cancer Resurgence and Metastasis" at Rutgers Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. My academic interests include cancer biology, transplant biology, medical pedagogy, and applications of stem cell in medical therapeutics. In my spare time, I enjoy college football, camping/hiking, and hanging out with friends. In the future, I plan on pursuing an MD/PhD and specializing in oncology/hematology. I look forward to working with you in the future. |
Garima Sinha
PR of Stem Cell Education Society
Garima Sinha is a fourth year PhD candidate at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, department of Medicine in the division of Hematology /Oncology. She has a dual master’s degree – Master in Biotechnology, India and Master in Biomedical Sciences, Rutgers, NJ. She has eight years of research experience in the field of cancer biology, including five years in the field of stem cell. Current research focuses on understanding breast cancer stem cell dormancy within the bone marrow niche. She has been a teaching assistant in multiple stem cell courses. She was president of the Stem Cell Education Society from 2013- March 2017. |
Oleta A. Sandiford
Oleta A. Sandiford is a Laboratory Technician at New Jersey Medical School Department of Medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology. Oleta graduated from Bloomfield College with a dual degree in General Biology and Chemistry with concentration in Biochemistry. She has over 4 years’ experience in field of Cancer Biology and Stem Cell Biology. She’s currently conducting translational research of Bone Marrow microenvironment with the goal to develop therapies for Breast Cancer by using Mesenchymal Stem Cells. |
Caitlyn Moore
My name is Caitlyn Moore and I am a PhD student in Cell Biology, Neuroscience, and Physiology at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences in Newark, NJ. My thesis research in Dr. Rameshwar’s lab focuses on breast cancer dormancy in the bone marrow microenvironment and modeling the bone marrow using 3D bioprinting technology. Through my PhD work and in the future, I aim to apply my background in biomedical engineering to the development of 3D models as tools for investigating more effective cancer treatments. I currently serve as the President of the Stem Cell Education Society. Outside of the lab, I enjoy running, skiing, hiking, and mountain biking. |
Aida Hodzic
Hi everyone! I’m Aida Hodzic, I was born in Bosnia but grew up in upstate New York where I completed my undergraduate career in English and Biology. Before attending Rutgers University, I worked as an Emergency Medical Technician for three years and fell in love with Emergency Medicine. I am currently a second-year Biomedical sciences graduate student concentrating on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine. I hope to use my Master’s degree to pursue medical school and to eventually practice as an Emergency Medicine physician. My interests include long distance running, traveling, plant-based lifestyle, and naively believing I can stop drinking coffee one day. In the future, I plan on spending a few years working for Médecins Sans Frontières after making it through residency. As your mentor, I am excited to share with you my experiences as a Stem Cells graduate student and to answer any questions that you might have! |
Bruce Haik
Bruce is a Masters of Biomedical Sciences candidate at the Rutgers Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Newark Division and a full-time Clinical Research Coordinator for the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Bruce became a Stem Cell Education Society mentor after being inspired by a series of stem cell courses taught by Dr Rameshwar. In the future, Bruce would like to attend medical school to study end of life care. Bruce received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Music and Technology from Connecticut College in in 2014. |
Khadidiatou Guiro
My name is Khadidiatou Guiro and I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Rutgers University New Jersey Medical School (RU-NJMS) at Newark NJ, in the department of Medicine, within the division of Hematology-Oncology. My goal is to develop better therapeutic strategies to improve on closing the gap between engineering and medicine in research. I have a diverse background in the field of Biomedical Engineering (BME) which includes Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials and Biomechanics. Besides my expertise in the BME field,I am just as diverse in Molecular and Cell Biology discipline such has Regenerative medicine, Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology, Exosomes and RNA sequence, Modeling of Bone Marrow, Hematopoiesis and Cancer Tumor Microenvironment. I am an Alfred P. Sloan Scholar, a Pressley and Mauise Vinson McPhail/NACME scholar, and a NASA student Ambassador. I am actively engaged in professional organizations including the Biomedical Engineering Society, the Society of Biological Engineering, the American Association of Cancer Research and the Stem Cell Society. |
Adam Eljarrah
Adam Eljarrah is a Master's student at the Rutgers Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in Newark. He completed his undergraduate studies at New York University in 2015, graduating with a B.A. in Psychology. Adam previously worked as a simulation facilitator and administrative assistant at the New York Simulation Center for the Health Sciences, as well as a research assistant at the Gharavi Lab at Columbia University Medical Center. His interests include stem cell biology, soccer, and reading. Adam hopes to one day matriculate into medical school. |