Stem Cell Education Society In the News
SCES In The News
SCES Continues Recruiting Underrepresented Communities to the National Bone Marrow Registry at the NYU Islamic Center
On July 28th, 2017, the Stem Cell Education Society hosted a bone marrow registry drive at the Islamic Center at New York University following Friday congregational prayers. This event was part of our ongoing efforts to target underrepresented communities for registration onto the Be The Match Registry, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program. In addition to the opportunity to change the life of someone in need, registrants were treated to a wealth of information about stem cell science and technology, as well as freshly baked cookies. With twenty new dedicated donors added to the registry, the drive was a great success! Our group looks forward to continuing to work with minority community centers to host such events in the future.
Greater Life Community
Outreach Center's Kidstitute Event
On July 13th, 2017, a group of 10 SCES members had the pleasure of speaking and mentoring at the Greater Life Community Outreach Center's Kidstitute in Newark, New Jersey. Greater Life Community Outreach Center is a nonsectarian non-profit 501(c)(3) Faith-Based Community Youth & Family Organization that has been serving the youth of Newark. Members of the SCES had the opportunity to educate 2nd-8th grade students in the Newark community on the potential of stem cells, importance of education and health, and potential of career paths in STEM fields with hard work and dedication. It was a delight to see the smiling interest and entertain their deep questions in research and science as they explore their potential and future paths in the world.
(Left to Right) Adam Eljarrah, Niloy N. Shah, Irene Martinez, Negar Bakhsh, Caroline Smith, Sheena Kapoor, Oleta Sandiford, Rhianna Neopane, Pujan Neopane, Lauren Sherman
Pretty Pink Tea Party
On May 27, 2017, we had the honor of attending the “Pretty Pink Tea Party Honoring the Strength of Every Survivor” in East Orange, NJ. Breast cancer survivors from the community gathered for food, tea, and conversation. Throughout the afternoon, these survivors encouraged and inspired each other (and us) by opening up about their journeys with cancer. Dr. Rameshwar, Caity, and Garima discussed ongoing research focused on breast cancer dormancy and resurgence and how this research will positively impact the treatment of breast cancer in the future. It was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with these resilient women and chat about their experiences and bright futures.