Bunyad Haider, MD - Faculty Development Scholarship Fund
Bunyad Haider, MD
Faculty Development Fund
The Department of Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School is proud to announce the establishment of the Bunyad Haider, MD Faculty Development Fund. The purpose of this fund is to support faculty development and to promote the next generation of physician leaders. Our current full-time academic faculty include more than 120 primary and subspecialty care physicians who provide outstanding clinical care, teaching and research in fulfilling the tripartite mission of Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.
The realization of our fund-raising goal of $250,000 will ensure the continued success and growth of the department. Your generosity to the Bunyad Haider, MD Faculty Development Fund will allow us to further our support of the department’s incredibly talented faculty and enable them to fulfill their potential in leading the future of American health care in clinical services, education and research.

Current Funding
There’s a certain satisfaction in knowing that you can truly make a difference in the future of an institution that has made such a meaningful difference in your own life. A gift to the Bunyad Haider, MD Faculty Development Fund reinforces your connection to Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School, and the Department of Medicine and supports its lasting commitment to education, collaborative research and patient care.
Please consider making a substantial gift to the Bunyad Haider, MD Faculty Development Fund. Your tax-deductible donation can be made online on our secure website at:
Or you can mail your check payable to:
Rutgers University Foundation
ATTN: Mary Ruotolo
65 Bergen Street, SSB Building, 1438
Newark, New Jersey 07107
The Department of Medicine thanks you for your generous contribution and continued support.
Gifts to the Haider Faculty Development Fund, will foster better patient care, improve education for our trainees and further innovative research by providing support to our faculty to better develop their skills and expertise.
Bunyad Haider, MD
The career of Dr. Bunyad Haider at New Jersey Medical School spanned nearly five decades, beginning with his Cardiology fellowship in 1966 at the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry at Martland Hospital. In 1967, Dr. Haider was appointed to the faculty as Instructor of Medicine, and in 1980 was promoted to full Professor of Medicine with tenure at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
Over his career, Dr. Haider held numerous high-level positions within the Department of Medicine, serving as Interim Chair (2006-2012), Executive Vice Chair (1986-2002), and Acting Chair (1991-1992). He was the first Critical Care Medicine Division Director at NJMS and University Hospital (UH), where he established the Medicine and Cardiology Critical Care units. When serving as Co-Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory (1976-1998), he and his colleagues performed New Jersey’s first angioplasty, and was pivotal in gaining state certification for Cardiothoracic Surgery for NJMS in 1989.
Dr. Bunyad Haider was awarded the Department’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012 in recognition of his decades of leadership, mentorship, and selfless commitment to the Department of Medicine and NJMS.
Message from the Chair
Like many of you, I had the distinct pleasure of working with Dr. Bunyad Haider, who was a great mentor and a close friend.
On behalf of the Department, it is an honor to establish this Faculty Development Fund, in Dr. Haider’s name, as a lasting tribute to a legacy that is highlighted by his devotion and decades long commitment to the growth and development of the faculty in the Department of Medicine. His tireless and generous mentorship paved the way for many to achieve successful lifelong careers in medicine. Dr. Haider’s enthusiastic engagement with individual faculty members was invaluable and established a new role model in recognizing the importance of mentorship to facilitate individual and collective growth across all the missions of New Jersey Medical School.
Dr. Haider would be proud of the Department of Medicine’s continued growth and commitment to excellence. In recent years, we have expanded our clinical and research programs in Primary Care, Cardiology, Critical Care, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Transplantation, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology and Rheumatology, while investing in new technologies that allow us to provide cutting-edge care of the highest quality.
The establishment of this fund will serve as an enduring tribute to Dr. Haider and will provide continued critical support to the Faculty of the Department to insure their continued growth and success. Please join me in contributing to this most important Faculty Development Fund in memory of our colleague, mentor and friend, Dr. Bunyad Haider.
Marc Klapholz, MD, MBA, FACC, FAHA
Chair, Department of Medicine
The Rutgers University Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Gifts made through the foundation are deductible for federal income, gift, and estate tax purposes to the extent permitted by law.