Distinction in Medical Education (DiME)
Class of 2019

Marc Berenson
Emergency Medicine
Name of your project: The Case of Ty Jackson: An Interactive Module on LGBT Health Employing Introspective Techniques and Video-Based Case Discussion
The Distinction in Medical Education program helped thoroughly prepare me for a future career in academic medicine. Opportunities to participate in curriculum design and development, direction teaching, evaluation, education-based research, and policy planning allowed for a holistic immersion into the world of medical education. The mentorship and guidance provided by the program’s leadership and other core-faculty allowed for direct, meaningful, and timely feedback that allowed for personal growth over the course of the last few years. I highly recommend this program to anyone who may be considering a future as a clinical educator / academic physician.
Quote about the program: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Brad Chernock
General Surgery
Name of your project: Bleeding Control
The DiME program gave me the resources and mentorship to develop and present the BCON curriculum at the local, regional and national conferences. Participating in various committees and administrative meetings provided a more in depth academic medicine experience. The journal clubs were an opportunity for the whole group to get together to critically review medical education literature and provide feedback for each other’s projects. I will use the experiences I have had in the DiME program throughout my career in medical education.
Quote about the program: “The DiME program has given me the opportunity to learn the behind the scenes in medical education. Not only did I learn about what goes into creating curricular changes, but also the administrative work behind monitoring a medical school curriculum and various theories on education.”

Lama Noureddine
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health
Name of your Project: Wellness in Medical Education
The DiME is by far one of the most enjoyable aspects on my experience at NJMS. I was able to discover the process of curricula development and evaluation, to experience the privilege of mentoring and teaching underclassmen, to travel the country to present my research and meet like-minded colleagues. I am extremely grateful for the wonderful experiences, the mentorships that I built, and the supporting relationship that I developed with the Office of Education. Becoming an educator used to be a dream for me, it is now a tangible reality.
Quote about the Program; "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela

Neel Sangal
Name of your project: 'Deficiencies in graduate medical education in preparation for residency in Otolaryngology'
The distinction in medical education program has been a focal part of my growth in medical school. From helping to run review sessions for 1st year exams to participating in medical ethics discussions, DiME has both broadened my experience and showed me that I want medical education to be a defining part of my future practice. I am very thankful to my peers and the distinguished faculty mentors who invest their time in making the experience truly rewarding.
Quote about the program: 'DiME has grown to become a truly essential part of New Jersey Medical School. From first to fourth year it fosters personal growth for the participants and a significant impact on improving and streamlining medical education for the school as a whole.'

Thomas Savage
Internal Medicine
Name of your project: Math in Medicine
The DiME program was an exposure to the thought process and decisions of a medical school when training physicians. The faculty share their experiences and prepare you for a career in Academic Medicine through formal instruction, instructional feedback, journal clubs and didactic sessions.
Quote about program: The DiME program prepared me for a career in academic medicine.
Class of 2021

Jessica Barnes
Anesthesiology/ Critical Care
Name of Project: Establishing a Novel Clinical Reasoning Curriculum in a Summer Bridge Program
The DiME program allowed me the forum not only explore the many avenues of medical education but provided me the opportunity to be a hands-on participant in medical education within our medical school. DiME cultivated my curiosity in critical appraisal of the medical education literature that will carry me throughout my career. Being able to form lasting relationships with the Office of Education faculty and staff has been a highlight of my time in medical school.
Quote about the program: DiME was a formative experience during my medical education has set a strong foundation for a career in academic medicine.